Quick LM2 An Effortless Reporting Solution For Labor Unions Who Need To File Yearly LM-2 Documentation With The Department of Labor (DOL)

by Micro Force Inc.

Automatically & effortlessly capture necessary LM-2 reporting information in Dynamics 365 BC & GP

Annual Department of Labor LM2 Reporting SOLVED with our Microsoft Dynamics ERP "Quick LM-2" Module For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Dynamics GP

Micro Force-Velosio understands how tedious and time-consuming annual reporting is for labor unions.

Labor Unions who comply with annual LM-2 reporting face a substantial work-effort to gather and consolidate the information needed for this report. Attempting to create the LM-2 report manually requires massive hours of your company's time, makes you vulnerable to errors, and is one of the biggest challenges for Labor Unions to pull together year after year. Multiply the hours spent collecting data from various sources, meticulously transforming the data to meet cash basis and special requirements, correcting errors from manual processing to identify a major repeatable expense and what you get is an incredible drain of precious time and resources.

This is why after many clients came to us needing help compiling this massive report, we developed our solution, Quick LM-2. Quick LM2 is an all-in-one module that works seamlessly in your Microsoft Dynamics GP or Dynamics 365 Business Central system, eliminating much of the effort, time and expenses to prepare--freeing up your organization to focus on other crucial tasks.

Quick LM-2 Highlights:

  • Automatically captures necessary LM-2 information while entering regular vendor invoice transactions by using default setups
  • Features to capture vendor purchases via credit card purchases or corrections
  • Permits coding for LM-2 after vendor invoices have been posted or paid
  • Imports data from spreadsheets or other sources and apply default LM-2 values to eliminate hours of extra manual effort by your staff
  • Includes reconciling reporting that can be used monthly--this reduces the painful year end work that would be required if not using this module
  • Includes full reporting, with the option to export to Microsoft Excel
  • LM-2 data recorded and stored in your ERP, so you have “one source of truth” versus solutions that require data exporting to Excel to create LM-2 reporting
  • Is fully compliant with the Department of Labor---LM-2 files for DOL submission are automatically generated for you

How To Create Your LM2 Report the Easy Way (in 4 simple steps!):

  1. Get Quick LM-2 modules from Micro Force to capture all the transactions that are in your Microsoft Dynamics ERP for Schedules 15-20 automatically
  2. Eliminate extra effort by your AP team to meet cash basis and special conditions from the DOL. Quick LM-2 will handle it for you
  3. Consolidate - Import transactions you may have on spreadsheets or from other sources
  4. Easily make adjustments to your data before submitting your annual report to the Department of Labor

At a glance